

AnnaLift-moving forward

  • Media owner donnagoar
  • Date added
Thank you Ulla-May for your wonderful inspiration.
I played with the sketch filter and duplicated the photo layers and added blending modes and brought some color back in and for the most part it was just MESSY, but then decided that maybe it looked like a bad grainy newspaper photo and since it was a sports page............why not go with it. Another page for my son's album with life messages.and sometimes life is just messy and you have to figure out the direction you are going to move.
Thank you for looking and thank YOU, 'zwyck' for encouraging me to PLAY with some hidden gems in photoshop.

(BTW-the extra legs belong to another player running on the other side of him.always good to be going in the right direction in life with a friend.)

Kits by Anna Aspnes
ArtPlay Palette WHPH (mask and overlay)
ArtPlay Palette Work Hard Play Hard (WHPH)
ArtPlay Palette WHPH Add On Paperie
ArtPlay Palette Work Hard Play Hard (WHPH) Add-on Paperie
ArtPlay Palette Find My Way (wordART)
ArtPlay Palette Find My Way
SkinnyLined Overlays No. 2
SkinnyLined Overlays No. 2
Brackets No. 1 (blending mode-color burn)
Brackets No. 1
Journey WordTransfers
Journey WordTransfers No. 1
Travel WordTransfers
Travel WordTransfers No. 1
Sports WordTransfers
Sports WordTransfers No. 1
Find My Way FotoFrames No. 2
Find My Way FotoFrames No. 1
ArtPlay Palette Ex Libris (brush)
Metro Grafitti BrushSet (arrow-hope Anna brings this back as an ArtPlay)
Great page with a great message, that is very much what I do in my pages too, very interesting feel on the page, just awesome Donna, Like to see over your shoulder :). Ann
Very cool guy page and I love the grainy feel. So much fun to mess around with stuff and then find the happy accident that just works. (My problem is not being able to remind how I got there!) Love your life messages!
This is just wonderful! Can tell you are putting a lot of thought into the elements used...lots of supporting messages in the background! Photo treatment is very cool, and it is a great action shot! The extra legs help convey even more action :-)
Donna, your art has DEPTH--emotional, sensory, artistic depth! Love what you did with the Brackets No. 1 (blending mode-color burn)--going to try that!

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Anna Aspnes
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