
One Step At A Time

One Step At A Time

One Step At A Time
"The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it" c.c.scott

I'm working on a project for my 82 yr old mother, diagnosed with breast cancer just last week. We won't know the stage until Wednesday, but she will need surgery. She's handling it well so far. A little confused about all the doctor's appointments coming up, but us 'kids' are handling all the details. We're all taking it just one step at a time.

I'm making cards for her using images/photos from happier days, to keep in a pretty folder or box (still working out that part) and then I'll mail one or bring it to her every few days.

Anna Aspnes Designs:
ArtPlay Palette Vitality (paper, transfer, loops) ArtPlay Palette Vitality
ArtPlay Vitality FotoBlendz ArtPlay Vitality FotoBlendz
ArtPlay Vitality WordLabels ArtPlay Vitality WordLabels
ArtsyClocks No.4 ArtsyClocks No. 4
WarmGlows No.1 WarmGlows No. 1
ArtPlay Palette Crazy Life (transfer)ArtPlay Palette Crazy Life
ArtPlay Palette Genuine (lace) ArtPlay Palette Genuine
FotoGlows No.3 FotoGlows No. 3
Different Strokes No.8 DifferentStrokes No. 8

Pink Ribbon (internet)

Font: Journaling Hand
This is beautiful in imagery and spirit, best to your mother and your family. I'm sure she will love these cards!
Oh I am so sorry to hear about your mom!!! Your layout is lovely and what a wonderful visual for her to have during this hard time. Hugs to you!
Oh this is gorgeous! What a fabulous photo!! Best wishes to your Mom for a full recovery and to all of you in dealing with this stressful time - Big HUGS!!
There's just so much here that is wonderful. (Be sure to take care of yourself as you are caring for your mom.)
I am so sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis. I am sure that the cards will be such a big spirit lifter. She is in my prayers.
Lovely layout and idea to make cards for your mom. Hope the stage is not advanced and that she will have many, many more happy years! She was such a bathing beauty!! :0)
Chris, what a wonderful idea! and this card is fantastic. i love how you layered the frame behind the fotoblendz, love that photograph and the pure joy emanating from it. I'll keep your Mom in my thoughts - i am truly sorry to hear this news. :(
Chris, I knew this was a 'chris page' the moment I spotted it. Such lovely photo and such a wonderful page for your mom. Thinking about you as you move through this one step at a time.

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Anna Aspnes
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