
Clarification I'm a SAHM

Clarification I'm a SAHM

TaylorMade Anniversary Template
TaylorMade Plain Jane Paper

--Scrap Girls--
AWI_Herbal_BrushSet_ BirdsfootTrefoil_SPECIAL
I'm with you on this; you express it very well. I was a SAHM until my sons were in 4th & 8th grades. I have felt that my younger son wasn't quite ready when I did go to work. After working in child welfare for 15+ years and juvenile probation for 5, the value is clear. As an older woman who struggled for equality, it is clear to me that until women make their own choice to work at home or work elsewhere, they are not truly liberated. The layout is lovely also.
OMG....I could have written this!! FABULOUS!! I am a sahm of a 3 year old little guy and it still bothers me when I hear the "oh" after I say I am a stay at home mama. ((hugs))

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