
Obsession--It's Not Just a Perfume

Obsession--It's Not Just a Perfume

I collect mice. Not the real kind, mind you, but the glass/pewter/wooden kind. I've been collecting for years, and I think it's safe to say that my collecting borders on an obsession. I don't just have one or two; my collection numbers in the thousands, so much so that I can't display them all at once and I have to rotate them. My DH was aware of my collection when we married. In fact, while we were dating, for Christmas one year he thought to "cure" me of my obsession by overloading my senses--by giving me soooo many mice that I would burn out on them. Hahahahhhaha! I guess he hasn't met many addicts in his life. :) When we married and moved into our house, he had only one request and that was that I confine the mice to a single room. I admit that a few of them have strayed, but for the most part I've done my best to keep them all in our guest room. Hmmmm, this perhaps explains why our house guests don't linger, but I digress... :)

Journaling reads:
"Its all the fault of my nickname, you see. Squeak. With a nickname like that, it was inevitable that I should end up with a collection of mice. Ive had that nickname since high school, and once I acquired it, people found it easy to shop for me. Soon I followed suit and began collecting mice for myself. My collection now numbers in the thousands. As for variety, do you remember the scene in the movie Forest Gump, where Bubba is reciting a list of the kinds of shrimp his family makes? Replace the word shrimp with mice and youll have a description of my collection. I have glass mice, wood mice, pewter mice, cloth mice, plastic mice, vintage mice, jewelry mice, tee-shirt mice, dishware mice, cookie jar mice, magazine cover mice, water color mice, movie poster mice, sign post mice, Halloween mice, Christmas mice, Arbor Day mice--well, you get the idea. And how did you get that nickname? you might well ask. Ah, that is a story for another day..."

Anna's new template, FotoInspired Template No. 4, comes complete with a heartsy background, so it is perfect for scrapping your Valentine's Day photos. To accommodate my many, many, mouse photos, I duplicated the photo masks and then shrunk everything down a bit.

Anna Aspnes
FotoInspired Layered Template No. 04 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=29455&cat=383&page=1
ArtPlay Palette Magic (background paper, slightly recolored) http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=27649&cat=0&page=1
ArtPlay Palette Obsession (overlay) http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=27658&cat=0&page=1
LoopDaLoop Heart No. 01 BrushSet http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=27863&cat=0&page=1

Fonts: Ariel, 2150005

Thanks for stopping by!
LOVE that title! This is absolutely DELIGHTFUL Shirley. Your storytelling is perfection.
"the squeak shall inherit the earth" had me laughing out loud. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the journaling. Wonderful page Shirley!
Now I want to know how you got your nickname, Shirley! Perfect combination--ArtPlay Obsession, this new template, and photos of your amazing collection!
Fantastic collection you have Shirley!! Love your page and must say I am glad I don1t have to do the dusting at your house!!
this page is amazing! love your journaling! glad that a few escaped "the room" my cat would love to be in your house! awesome awesome page!

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Anna Aspnes
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