


boy. i'm just getting this one in under the wire before there's a NEW AnnaLift posted tomorrow!
this is a page i did a little while ago that i have always wanted to add to. trouble is, i didn't save the PSD file so i was layering new stuff on top of a flattened file. bummer. this spooky little page is about the fire that destroyed my childhood home a few years ago. i hadn't lived there for almost 40 years, and the house and neighborhood had all gone bad. one day i drove by and saw that the house had burned. i got out of my car and took some photos into the house. the photo on the left is looking into what was once the dining room. the red at the bottom is the grafitti that is all over the house. the pencil sketch on the right is the front steps of the house. when i saw what had happened to my house, my neighborhood, i sat on those steps and cried.


Anna Aspnes Designs
ArtPlay Palette Halloween brush ArtPlay Palette Halloween
FotoGlows No.3 FotoGlows No. 3
Artist Edges No.1
Various FotoBlendz Clipping Masks http://www.oscraps.com/shop/home.php?cat=390&treem=1

Cinzia Loosemore Moments Elements chandelier http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=24024&cat=349&page=1

Artemia kit heart
Art Warehouse Numbers Borderlines
I definitely remember this page, Phylis! It was as powerful then as it is now. So sad to see your childhood home destroyed! Hope you've saved the good memories!
I would have cried too! the shadow and sketch of the steps evokes such emotion! breath-taking!
My goodness. I do remember this page. It gave me goosebumps then and does again today. That must have been heartbreaking to see...I hope creating this page helped the healing a bit. It's beautiful.
You sure portrayed the sadness in this LO. Shame about the house! But what an amazing LO!
I remember this very poignant page, Phylis! The imagery is incredible, particularly the shadow figure of you "haunting" your old homestead. I LOVE the font you used for the white journaling, and the inclusion of the red graffiti adds such a touch of the ominous to it all. Just an amazing piece!
yup... me too... it was a dramatic page then and even more so now... chunks of our life changed forever... part of the journey but doesn't change the emotion... happened to my mother's "home"... the orphanage she lived in... vandalized, burned, destroyed... I too stood at the fence and sobbed... never lived there but I felt part of me was gone... part of my mother... powerful page Phylis...

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Anna Aspnes
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