
doll cover left

doll cover left

I thought I was done making pages for 2011 and then there was a template challenge that spoke to me so I bought the template and this is where I went..Im going to use it for my doll book as the front /back cover. To the someone who sent me a secret gift . Thanks it touched my heart in an amazing way.! Im looking forward to the changes 2012 will bring. I started making a page a day so I would learn new things in 2011 . Little did I know what I would learn.
The journaling reads
A page a day in 2011 changed my life I challenged me to make better pages.. Somehow where the journey started and where it ended was with new friendships and an enriched mind and heart. I got a better me. Thank you to all that helped!
3 kits 3 ways force you to try new things. Blending is addicting. Extractions are cool. Templates make life easier. I like scraplifting because I have good taste!
Scraplifting isn't cheating! Tutorials help to learn something new! Lightbulbs go off when you open your mind to change!
Friendships can occur in the digital world boundries dont exist - one persons life is pretty much the same from one country to another
we all can learn from someone else if we just need to want to change to learn to try
Even if I think my page is a work of art... hours invested by the tons not everyone will see it that way its ok to be a masterpiece in my mind only
I can be creative my way - Its my life.. my art. my choice.
. To a digital friend who isnt with us today on earth sawdust she touched our lives what more could a person want than to be than remembered.
i heard about "sawdust." it's so tragic. she was much too young.

your pages are beautiful, Deb. i love it that you've posed these lovelies! and you're SO right. there's no crime in getting inspiration from others. i do it with nearly every page i make!
beautiful pages, Deb! i love your words. i didn't know about Barb until i read your notes. i am so sorry to hear about her passing. she was a lovely lady.
Such a sweet page, Deb. And I didn't know about Barb (sawdust) until I read your post. Very sad news. Thank you for letting us know.

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Anna Aspnes
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