


i have had a lot of resolutions the last years. but everybody knows, resolutions are for forgetting them. so ill try to focus on "stop smoking" this year. i tried a few times last year but couldnt resist to start again.wish me luck

this resolution page is made for my next blogchallenge starting this weekend on my blog
credits: ninascraps kit " madeleine", fonts optimus and bernhard
Beautiful page!! Love this new kit!
Best Wishes to you! Both my parents stopped smoking back in 1972, You can do it! I think it was a little tougher for my mom than my dad.
You will be so proud of yourself!
nina, as I already said: I totally love this page! this LO is so gorgeous - a wowzer - and this new kit is adorable. can't wait to play!
wow ! fantastic LO ! I love the colours, the tile work, the three "fading" pics side by side .... what an awesome job !
AND : good luck with your resolution xoxo
Nina, this is THE year when you will succeed in quitting smoking.
I am sure.
Such a beautiful layout is already a great start to succeed :)
Nina, this is awesome. As quickly as you are turning out new kits, I don't think that you will have much time left for smoking;-)
Wonderful layout. Great resolution.

Since we are all scraplifting this, I guess we all want to know. How is your resolution working out? Still not smoking?
good luck to YOU! what's that one quote... fall down seven times, get back up eight? anyhow, i know you can do it!

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