
St Nicholas

St Nicholas

for the December Theme Challenge at Mscraps
the photos are from 1996, 1997 and 2005 - St. Nicholas parties (if you can call them that lol)
(St. Nicholas was/is a Catholic and Orthodox patron of children)

I grew up not liking St. Nicholas Day. As a kid, I was shy and didnt like to perform songs or poems in front of others. Hearing rattling of devils chains in distance didnt help much to stay calm.Then as an adult, I brought my own kids to the parties that we - and our friends - held for them. It was usually a big group of about 20 kids, some parent would dress up as St. Nicolas, another as the devil, sometimes, there would also be an angel.Kids were supposed to tell Nicholas how they behaved, although he already knew. He rewarded good behavior with little sweets and presents, and if there was something in Nicholas book, suggesting no-so-nice deeds, the kid would get a piece of coal.. Then he would sing a song as a promise to be nice. Little ones were of course horrified, bigger kids unsure and teenagers bored.Why would parents want to scare children like that, you ask? In Czech children stories, devils (yes there are many) are more like silly gnomes, sometimes rediculous, representing the balance of good and bad, not promising eternal damnation. I will not argue wheather the tradition serves any purpose or not but I know that every kid, who was then scared, will carry on this tradition with his own children.

Cinzia Designs - Grateful Heart Grateful Heart and Holida Cheer Holiday Cheer
(Mscraps and Oscraps)

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