
The Story of Your Name

The Story of Your Name

First of all, Mommy and Daddy didn't know if you were going to be a boy or a girl. You were a surprise. So we had to pick names for a boy and a girl. For some reason, the girl's name was easy. Ava May. Ava because we liked it, and May after your Great Grandmother Olinger. But the boy's name was harder. We had the first name narrowed down to about three names: Kyle, Connor, or Evan. We decided we'd wait to see which name suited you best, if you were a boy, which you were, or course. So we didn't name you right away. We slept on it. Mommy almost added a new name to the list. You see, you were born at 10:40 at night, and the number 1040 is significant in mommy's family, connected to your Great Grandfather Willard. Mommy thought maybe the time of your birth was a hint that you should be named after him. She didn't really like the name Willard, though. But she thought maybe you should be named Will. Were you Kyle, Connor, Evan, or Will? We didn't know until the next afternoon, when Daddy and Mommy finally agreed that you should be Kyle. For your middle name, we chose Jorgen. A family name, you share it with Mommy's Uncle Tom (your great-uncle). In the end, I think the wait was worth it. I think your name is perfect.

Everything is by Sarah VanDyke
the title alpha is Distressed Alpha (recolored)
everything else is from her Dressed Up Boy kit

fonts are MS Reference Serif and Pythagoras

Ahhh this is so sweet and I love the journaling!! That is a fantastic idea for my book for my son! I might just scrap lift this ;)

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