


A bit of therapy scrapping this evening! I'm taking a leaf out of the wonderfully talented Phylis's book,
lifting her latest page and scrapping a 'this is me just now' type page. Yes, sadly it's true, mess with my kids, doesn't matter if they're six or twenty six and I turn into a rottweiler with lipstick LOL!!! I like to comfort myself that at least I have insight, I mean I KNOW I do it, and that's the first step to recovery... :)

ArtPlay Palette Sophistica ArtPlay Palette Sophistica by Anna Aspnes
Numbered Overlays No. 1 Numbered Overlays No. 1 by Anna Aspnes
DifferentStrokes No. 7 DifferentStrokes No. 7 by Anna Aspnes
I agree - a page from Phylis's book - and so very cool. Love this - so insanely imaginative. Really LOVE that lipstick!
uh oh! hope everything's OK now. but i DO feel sorry for the poor SOB who was on the other end of your tirade!! ;-D

when you "lift," Fiona, you literally DO "lift:" you raise the lifted page to a much higher level on your own page!! your creativity is just wonderful. and your lipstick is very smart-looking, too.
oh...the lipstick...it looks so good on you when you are in your Rottweiler mode...bet it makes you bite even harder...would hate to be the one on the receiving end..this is hilarious though..love your venting!
Love the scrap therapy going on here. Do the numbers represent you taking a deep breath and counting to ten for a cool down? The lipstick's a crack up! Hope everything gets settled.
Oh Fiona - I'd love to have you be MY rottweiler! this page is fabulous, I hope it helped some. Sorry about the C*** Sara is dealing with. :p
Wow, very powerful and creative scrap therapy! (love the lipstick on the Rot!). (I DO understand as I have three in my twenties)
Fiona, I hope their is reason for the 'momma rottweiler with lipstick' to find her peace and calm again. Hope people follow through and do what is needed here. Fabulous page to vent your frustration, my dear!!
love the lipstick, this is one scary page to me as I am not a total big dog lover, all I can say is I would never mess with your family!

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Anna Aspnes
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