
AnnaLift-'life stuff'

AnnaLift-'life stuff'

My AnnaLift https://ozone.oscraps.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21206 turned into a message to my children. Just a few pieces of 'life stuff' it is good for them to remember. (Actually, they are at that age where they do listen to their mother again and last week I heard those words we parents all wait to hear....."Mom, you were right." I didn't ask him to repeat them. I asked him to please text that message to me so I had proof he said it! My daughter asked me to create some wall art for her apartment........I'm sure this is the 'exact wall art' she had in mind and I'm thinking of printing this on canvas and giving it to her. She said she wanted any 'cool design' in red, white and black. So this qualifies..She'll learn to be more specific next time!
Thanks for looking!

life stuff-

1. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
2. Pay off your credit cards every month.
3. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
4. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
5. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
6. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
7. Over prepare. Then go with the flow.
8. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
9. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
10. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'
11. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
12. It's OK to get angry.
13. All that truly matters in the end is that
you loved.
14. The best is yet to come...

Kits by Anna Aspnes-
ArtPlay Palette Sophistica
ArtPlay Palette Sophistica
Labeled No. 1
Labeled No.1
ArtPlay Palette WordPlay (numbers)
ArtPlay Palette WordPlay
ArtPlay Palette Find My Way (brush)
ArtPlay Palette Find My Way
ArtPlay Palette Science (Wordart)
ArtPlay Palette Science
ArtPlay Palette Scholarly (Alpha and Numbers)
ArtPlay Palette Scholarly
Encountering Brushes
EnCounting No. 1
Numbered Overlays No. 1
Numbered Overlays No. 1
Time WordTransfers No. 1
Time WordTransfers No. 1
i LOVE your list!!!
i read and read again and read again and read .....
Love the hidden 14's blended in the background.
ths is GREAT, Donna!!! you're lucky to have kids who will actually READ this! mine would probably roll their eyes and leave the room. great advice and a fabulous page.
dang - i want this for MY wall. This is seriously good advice, Donna. I know it was meant for your daughter - but I thank you as well. Some of that I needed to read!
Love, LOVE this! (Hope your son texted his message to you so you could keep it!) I think we're all going to be following this advice. Thanks for the reminder!
Will you be my mom too?? Or my daughter ? :) This is wonderful, would make great wall art, and just love how you stapled the message scraps...looks so scrappy :)

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Anna Aspnes
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