
Wall Street

Wall Street

This is a CASE of one of my own favorites - http://www.designerdigitals.com/digital-scrapbooking/ideas/showphoto.php?photo=139949

We really had planned to go down near the World Trade Center even though we didnt have tickets for the memorial. We had been to NYC in October of 2001, and didnt need to have any more reminder of what had happened. It was burned into our memories. But I wanted to go into Trinity Church, a church I had gone to on many a previous visit to NYC. We both had fond memories of this church. Walking over to the Wall Street area we found that some streets were blocked so that those waiting in line for the memorial had a clear path. There wasnt going to be any going to Trinity this trip!

We backtracked a bit and just headed north to get out of the whole Wall Street area. After having spent time in the art exhibit, Dick was hearing the call of the lunch bell. As we got over to an area that had more businesses, we could see a clear path to get north either on a bus or on the subway. We saw more crowds and stopped at to look at the posters on the ground. Who could have conceived of the financial disaster our country would be in in August 2001. While there were a lot of police about, they had no trace of hostility to the demonstrators. Who would know that the small demonstration would become the widespread occupy protests. Probably, though, most of us 99% were ready for it to happen.


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Thanks for looking!
This is a really eye catching page. I like the graphic design and the pops of red. Great title work too!
wonderful design, Maureen. i agree that this is a really eye catching page.
Love the design of your page Maureen, it's really important that we record these things in life and capture the mood of the country, the world in which we live in!

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Anna Aspnes
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