
Mom's Birthday

Mom's Birthday

Journaling: This year was the first that Mom wasn't with us anymore on her birthday. My dad visited the grave early that morning, and there was still just the mound of earth marking her grave. When I visited later with my brother and his family, I couldn't believe that the grave stone had been put up just in time for her birthday!
It seems that, as time passes, I miss her even more and mroe. Maybe it's because I'm realizing that she's really gone... She won't be there on my wedding day or see my children grow up.

Kit: link My imperfect life - Andrea Gold
Font: Waterfalls
I'm so sorry for your loss. Hoping that you carry your mother with you forever in your heart. Lovely page.
Adryane is so right...and I am so sad for your loss..no one can replace Mom. Your journaling is really heartfelt and touching..hope making this page gave you some peace.

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