
To Tempt a Saint

To Tempt a Saint

Just having a bit of fun with some of Anna's cool products, just remembering a beloved pet.

This is a photo of my cat, Gus. Gus was a rescue kitty; he was with us for 10 years before succumbing to cancer. I know that everyone says their pet is the coolest dog/cat/gold fish/hamster/whatever, but Gus really was the coolest cat ever. At nearly 25 lean pounds, he was easily the biggest cat we've ever had, and he was also the most friendly and the most fearless. Well, if you're that big, you don't have to be afraid of much, I guess! Each evening for about 2 hours, Gus would amble to the end of the driveway, plop himself down and hold court. Passersby knew to pay homage to him with a kind word, a pat on the head, a scratch under the chin. Little kids looooved him, as he would let them pet him for hours. (Like it is such a hardship being so adored, right? :) ) The most remarkable thing was how he reacted to dogs--big or small, quiet or yapping, it did not matter. Gus gave no ground. Ever. Thank heavens for leash laws, 'cause the first time I saw this I very nearly had a heart attack. One of our neighbors has a German Shepard, Spike. Spike and his human would walk right by Gus on their nightly walks. The first time Spike saw Gus, he nearly yanked the leash out of his human's hand trying to get to Gus. The barking! The teeth! I thought Gus was done for! With this big, excited dog getting right up in his face, making enough noise to raise the dead, Gus just...sat there. Finally, with a bored yawn, he swatted Spike on the nose and then sauntered off, only to plop down again a few feet from where he was. Spike was so surprised that he quit barking, and he had the silliest "Whaaaaaat???" look on his face. Later, Spike's human asked if he could use Gus as a training cat--as a way to train Spike to ignore cats. :) By the end of his life, Gus had "trained" no less than 5 different dogs to leave cats alone. Coolest. Cat. Ever.

This photo was taken shortly after he came to live with us. Gus, being a cat, would insist on the door to the backyard being opened, and then, rather than actually go outside, he would just sit in the doorway, watching whatever it is that cats watch. Another photo from my "I Can't Bear to Throw These Away...Yet" folder, it looks not half bad with Anna's pretty papers.

Quote says, "An open door may tempt a saint."

I've heard this quote before, but I've not been able to find an author. Please feel free to pm me if you know to whom I should attribute it.

FloralART Paperie No. 02 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=28364&cat=0&page=1
FloralART Paperie No. 12 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=28374&cat=0&page=1
Fotoblendz Clipping Masks No. 03
PortalART Paperie No. 02 (altered; I extracted the door and then warped it) http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=28387&cat=0&page=1

Font: Jefferson

Thanks for stopping by!
very cool Shirley... but I'm pondering... how did Gus deal with er a Squeak... a bit of a mystery here...
This is simply wonderful - for any cat lover the picture is priceless! I think I'd frame all your layouts!! Great story, too. We have a grand-cat that weighs 25 lbs. She is a ragamuffin cat and much like your Gus was!
snort...sounds like my kitty. except he's an indoor monster. LOVE your pages, Shirley they always make me smile and give such a sense of who you are.
As an avid cat lover I think this layout Rocks!! And so did Gus!! I used to have a cat named zoro who would chase dogs right out of our yard and down the street. Don' mess with "Cat"!!!
I can just picture him insisting on the open door, but just so he can sit there and be a watcher. My dogs do that, too. Wonder what that's all about? Cool page.
Oh my, not only was Gus the coolest cat, he was also very beautiful. I can just see him 'holding court'! Thanks for sharing this story with us, it was lovely to read it first thing in the morning. Cool thing also what you did with the (Anna's) door!
Shirley this is just such a wonderful tribute to Gus!! He reminds me so much of the darling I had some years ago!! I love your open doorway photo and of course your great story!!
Shirley your pages always make me smile and your journalling always makes me laugh! Love your stories, and love that you are here with us at the O! :)

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