
I wanted to tell you...

I wanted to tell you...

English: I really love this picture taken on the spot when we were visiting the park of the Fontainebleau castle. For my first scrap page after so much time and after what happened to us I could have scraped some photos of the disaster or our life after March 11th, but I chose to scrap you and this moment in our life before. All of this seems so long ago now, but I know that as long as we are together there will be other good moments like this again and that is the most important. You are my reason of living, the reason I survived despite everything. Im not brave, Im only in love.


Kit Correspondance by Ange Designs
Freebie Template "Flight Plan 5" by One Little Bird
oh my Nini.................... this is amazing is all ways. I thank God you are still with us. And I think you are very Brave!!!
Ditto to what Barbara said Nini, if there's anything we can do for you just let us know.
Oh, mais tu tais pas loin de chez moi en fvrier!!! J'aime beaucoup le template que tu as utilis. Tu as bien raison de te replonger dans ces bons moments, "avant".
Bon retour au scrap!
this is a beautiful page, Nini. I cannot imagine what you have gone through, and to focus on the beautiful moments in your life...just love that stance.
on te l'a dj dit hein, mais superbe, et la page et le journaling !
bravo !!
Just seen this.....oh, this brings tears to my eyes. Such a beautiful LO but your words......they are amazing. Totally.

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