
Trying to Understand

Trying to Understand

for the May Journaling Challenge at Mscraps.
These past six month were not easy. Hard, in fact. A roller-coaster. I had hoped the nineteen years olds would have somewhat better idea about their options in future and taking responsibilities. The hard part wasnt finding out about her smoking or failing the classes. It was that barrier she built around herself. How do you talk about problems if you cant pass the message through all the yelling, hearing that we, the parents, are to blame for her miserable life?I want to be patient, I try to understand and help. I want to be there for her if she would allow me. Today, she blew me a kiss when leaving for school. I'm feeling hopeful. I do try to understand.

Mscraps collab Live Love Learn Grow
Live Love Learn Grow
Heather T.: Simple Colors - Black Simple Colors - Blacks
Click Photo Lien - Snapshots and Shadows Snapshots and Shadows

Thanksfor looking and commenting!
Romy! Can me to say what a fab page and then read the journaling! (((HUGS)))

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