Here's my scraplift of Sue's LO Together [] for the March 2011 Member Spotlight.
And yes, it is almost identical to Sue's LO - this is entirely intentional. You see, one of the people in the photo is me, along with Sue and indeed our very own neat freak, Lorraine. So I just thought I'd add more to the story of our lunch date. Thanks Sue, for the photo - which I didn't pinch off her LO - she emailed it to me a while back!
Journaling reads:
Theres more to tell than just the lack of photographic opportunity. Theres the fact that I had to bring my sick son on this particular day. Theres the fact that it was snowing, in London, in mid December, which looked quite beautiful and romantic Oxford Street looked like a movie set. But most importantly, theres the friendship weve developed together which started with a tentative lunch, and is now a regular thing. Real life has taken over from our virtual lives. So, heres to the London branch of Oscraps my special, very real friends Sue & Lorraine.
Paper: Ashalee Wall,, Splish
Frame: Oscraps Collaborations,, School is O so Cool Kit
Button: Glam Fairy Designs,, Trafalgar
Font: DJB Poppyseed by Darcy Baldwin