One Little Bird - Conversation Piece no. 2
Paislee Press - Wishing Jar
Quote : The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. ~Rajneesh
Journaling: I can honestly say I didn't know who I was or who I would become before there was you. I think that I probably thought I knew but I'm sure now that I didn't. They say a mother becomes a mother the moment she finds out she is pregnant where as the father does not become a father until he holds his baby. I think both are true for me. The reality that I was a mother didn't really hit me until I saw you for the first time...shaking, covered in slime and screaming your little heart out. You were and still are the most beautiful, fragile thing I had ever held. I couldn't believe you came from me, I couldn't believe after all that waiting that you were finally here. The moment you looked at me my entire life changed. Suddenly there was only you. Nothing and no one else mattered, in that moment you were my anchor to this life and I changed faster then I knew was possible. Suddenly I wasn't me anymore, I was your mom. And that is a feeling that I will cherish forever...