
Looking Back

Looking Back

Biograffiti is in the spotlight this week! Come see her new kit and play along with this awesome challenge here: https://ozone.oscraps.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18819

Everything is from Biograffiti's "Note to Self" kit and add on
Template is from Biograffiti's "Around the Way No. 1"
Fonts are CK Ali's Writing and Century Gothic

Regrets are a funny thing. You can have big regrets and small regrets, but I sometimes wonder if we should regret the big things at all. You never know how your life would be different if the thing youre regretting hadnt happened. I may want to regret hanging out with some of the people I did when I was in junior high, but who knows where I would be now without that experience. I certainly have some regrets; things that I dont think would have significantly change the course of my life, but simply made it a little better. I regret snapping at a certain person or not getting the present to this person. But the big regretswell, Im just not sure I can give them up without giving up who I am. And I definitely dont want to do that! Here are some small regrets.

Not having dinner with my mom when we got back from Kansas City. I didnt know it would be the last chance I would have to spend time with her.

All the time I spend obsessing about things that I cant change. Wishing I had made comments back to people or wanting to have changed something I did. Its a waste of time.

Letting the stress of situations get to me and snapping at people I love. I sometimes wasnt very nice to people who work very hard and my apologies later seemed trite.
This is reallt adorable page! I like journaling - give much cause for reflection! :)

P.S. Thank you very much for Standing O. :)
Wonderful page Sara!! Such wisdom in your journaling here - love your perspective on this!
Ahh, Sara, you are soooooo right. Big regrets don't get one anywhere. Wonderful words - wonderful page.
Awe sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!! (((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))) This just made me sob!!!! You are right, but you should have no regrets sweetie...concentrate on what was good..because there are so many of those too!!! I think you are a wonderful person and I have never met you!!!! So there ya go....we all have our moments and trials in life that make us be certain ways....but if we can overcome them, then we have nothing to regret. LOTS OF LOVE!!!!

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