
Her Story (for now)

Her Story (for now)

  • hondachicc
Yes!!!!!!!!! This little girl is the root to my losing my hair a lot of days!!! I just love her to pieces though....suppose the hair will grow back too!! Bwhahahaha!!!

ALL Joanne Brisebois @OScraps
Mamarazzi Bundle Pack
Paper from Just a Good Old Fashioned Heritage Kit
WordArt from Storytelling

TFL..Linda :)
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Awww I adore this!!! Linda I love how you did the photo split in the frames adds to the drama of the tears. Poor Nana...and Miss Savannah!! Yes it will grow back :)
Oh bless her ... and bless you too Nana!!! The photo split into frames perfectly represents the frustrations of her tantrums and is a real visual metaphor of you pulling your hair out I guess. Hang in there though, she'll get through the tantrum stages just as soon as her vocab / language skills catch up and she's able to tell you what's up (rather than just screaming at the top of her lungs. LOL!)
I'm with Sue on that photo perfect representation of her tantrums, don't envy you the tantrums though - fabulous page.
Oh I love how you broke up the photo! I agree, it's perfect for the drama queen! Don't pull out your hair nana!!

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