
Hope Is Possible

Hope Is Possible

  • ZID
Journaling font is English Essay
small font below the picture is Edwardian
Large font below the picture is Jellyka Saint-Andrews Queen

Everything else is by TaylorMade In Moderation [add on]
Wow, I am sorry for your losses! What a journey you have traveled! Your page is beautiful! The design with the butterflies is perfect!
Oh honey -- This breaks my heart. We're an adoptive family... but no one in the family has experienced failed adoptions like that, just long adoption fights (my cousin-in-law is the Kelsey from Kelsey's Law on adoption fights.) Just the other day my MIL & I were talking about how heart wrenching these situations are, and it hurts us even though we've never experienced it. When it comes time for me and my DH to adopt our family, I pray that I have the strength you have had to get through these things. Unfortunately, they're so common now -- I wish there was some way to have a wait time for the birth mom to get over her postpartum hormones before being allowed to make such a decision change.
oh how heart breaking for you, I do like the way you've journalled in the cut out it is a beautiful page.
Wow, you have me crying at work. That small picture is perfect for this page. Sure hope you get a baby to call your own some day!
OceanWide - I know several adoptive families, and none of them have gone through this either. I guess we are just "lucky" - haha. The first failed adoption we were on our way out the door to go to the hospital for babies birth when they called and told us not to come. The second one she changed her mind before she was due. This one the baby was born 10 weeks early and mom was "sure" that this was the right decision and so confident in her choice of us. We met her and she signed the papers without any hesitation at all!. The day she was discharged from the hospital [two days later] she said her goodbye's and left a gift for baby then went home. Her brother is the one who talked her out of it at that point and said if she was going to give him up then he should be the one to adopt him - not strangers. So... that was that. What kills is that in the state of Indiana it's considered binding as soon as the mother signs. Unfortunately in our case the agency hadn't taken the document to the court yet since this all happened between Friday and Sunday and that is where we got trapped in a loop hole. We could have fought it - but decided not to - too much time and money and energy that I just didn't have anymore. And I just would not feel right fighting a mamma about her baby - ultimately it's her choice and she made it. I screamed a cried a lot that day though. His original due date was just this past week - 10/10/10. I'll bet he's been taken home by now. Anyway - I hope it all goes more smoothly for you someday. Best wishes for the future.
tears are streaming everywhere!!! but this page and your message will be a blessing to many... as beautifully displayed in the comments before mine. THANK you, THANK you, thank you for sharing this with us!
Oh my, how terribly heartbreaking!!!!! This is beautifully scrapped & I truly hope things work out for you soon & you have a baby to call your own - HUGS!!!

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