


Thanks for the challenge which is very timely for me.

Credits: In Moderation Add on Kit by Taylor Made designs.

I have decided to include my journalling here as it may help someone else.

The last 6 weeks have been so difficult as if
life was not difficult enough. This is how long
I have been sick. When symptoms and pain first
appeared, I thought that rest would be all that
was required. But not this time. Neither age
nor luck seems to be on my side.

The pain escalated and after 4 weeks,
I ended up in emergency at our local hospital.
The pain now is manageable but the tests have
begun. X-rays, CT scans, Ultrasounds and more
blood and urine tests than I have had in my
whole life. And still more tests to go.

We have a lot of information but still no
definitive answers. A myriad of clues that
leave me waiting and praying that my worst
fears do not eventuate.
It is so difficult just waiting.
It is too easy to sit and brood in worry.
But waiting in the surgery yesterday, I
started thinking that really all anyone
on this earth has is life in this
moment. No one is guaranteed a tomorrow.
And if all we have is "now" then I want to
live my "now" not in a state of worry and
fear but living this moment to the best.

So while waiting for all the results and
reports, I am:
* Watching uplifting movies and listening to
inspiring music so I can remain positive.
* Not sitting at the computer googling
symptoms and medical diagnostic sites
* Going for walks to enjoy nature
* Laughing with the girls

Thanks for looking!
Beautiful page and fantastic journaling. I hope that you get the answers that you are seeking soon!
Wow a beautiful page & some amazing journaling here! I hope you are able to get some answers & some relief very soon - waiting is so terribly hard.
(((hugs))) waiting is the hardest!! I hope you get the answers you need very soon!! This is a beautiful layout I love your design! Thank you for sharing your story with us!
Hope you get your answers & some good news soon! Love your heartfelt journaling!!!!
Carolyn! Oh boy!! I had no idea!! I hope that you start to feel better and that you get some answers soon!

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