
I feel (edit ..journaling in credits ;-))

I feel (edit ..journaling in credits ;-))

Crdits : kit "in moderation" (full kit and add on) by taylormade

journaling :
Aujourdhui 12 octobre 2010, je me sent malade .. jai envie de vomir comme pas permis .. jai des vertiges, des bouffes de chaleur ... les odeurs commencent me gner .. alors je prends sur moi ... car tous ces symptmes sont certes gnants .. mais ils sont aussi rassurants ! ils confirment que toi ..petit tre en devenir lintrieur de moi tu es toujours l .. et tu te dveloppes lentement mais surement ;-) ... pour Antonin jai t malade de mi-octobre fin dcembre .. jespre que pour toi cela se passera avant :) car mme si on oublie ces mois difficiles ... il nest vraiment pas agrable de les vivre .. enfin bon mme si je me sent mal .. je suis heureuse .. heureuse de savoir que dans moins de 9 mois .. tu seras dans mes bras .. heureuse et inquite la fois ... que de sentiments ambiges ...c'est a la grossesse .. un mlange d'motion, de sensation, de peur, de stress, de joie ....
Aujourdhui je me sent ... Enceinte !

and in english (with google translator)
Today October 12, 2010, I feel sick .. I want to vomit as not allowed .. I feel dizzy, hot flashes ... odors are beginning to annoy me .. so I take on me ... because all these symptoms are certainly annoying .. but they are also reassuring! they confirm that you .. little being become inside me you're still here .. and you're developing slowly but surely ... ;-) I was sick for Antonin mid-October to late December .. I hope it happens for you before :) because even if we forget these difficult months ... it's really not nice to live .. Anyway even though I feel bad .. I am happy .. pleased that in less than 9 months .. you'll be in my arms .. happy and anxious at the time ... as ambiguous feelings ... that's the pregnancy .. a mixture of emotion, feeling, fear, stress, joy ....
Today I feel ... Pregnant!
Wow!! This is sooooo beautiful & inspiring!! LOVE it!! And I really hope you feel better soon - I so totally remember the horrible "morning" sickness that lasted ALL day long!! :)
omg, omg, O.M.G. this is absolutely ASTOUNDING! the heart full of journaing is sooooooooo brilliant... and the journaling itself... holy cow! that is deep girl. i have chills!!!!
Beautiful design Elisa ... many congratulations and I so hope you begin to feel well again soon & get to enjoy your pregnancy!

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