


Should I be so honest? Reveal my darker side?One which even I dont like to face? Its there. I will, for without truth, how can we count our friends? I believe weve all had friends who have hurt or betrayed us. I thought I had learned to forgive, but when the hurtful behavior continues, I find myself walking away, no longer wishing to see the person or endure the anguish; however, there are those with whom we cant just turn our back and refuse to face. Ive learned Im not as big a person as I would like to believe, for when a new offense arises, the feelings I believed had evaporated, forgiven, come unbidden, the memories as clear, the anger, the hurt, as bitter and biting as the first time. I feel my heart harden as I grasp inwardly for some kind of armor with which to protect myself. What I despise the most, is that these people force me to see myself in a light thats unappealing, unattractiveshowing me that Im not the person that I strive so hard to be. I have so much knowledge of whats been to myself and others by this person, that with one phone call, I could destroy him. Could I? Yes. Will I? NO.
The Bible says, and I cant find the exact quoteIts in Proverbs: Hate destroys the cup in which its heldor something close to thatand I find it so true.
The imagery is fairly self explanatory.
The cyan cast: Cold and icy feeling
The snake: Guess who?
Ice crystals: The cold, hard feelings
The bleeding rose: what once thought beautiful is dead and my heart bleeds with sadness.
Look carefully: In the left-hand sky, youll see an angelbegging me to think spiritually
The barbed wire around the neck: Protection
Bear with me, for once again, Ive found release in a poem (my own.uneducatedabandoning the rules of prose, yet reflective of my feelings.)
Everything in this lo was created by a new kit for a very creative new designer,
TotallyWild Dezinez @ Deviant Scrap, Devilish Wings
also used:
TotallyWild Dezinez @ Deviant Scrap, On the Edge 7 X 5 Overlays
TotallyWild Dezinez @ Deviant Scrap. Masks No. 1
Holliewood Studios @ Deviant Scrap, Void
And several brushes
Thanks so much for looking. Do you still like me?...now that the truth is known?
It was too large to load with my ...errr...attempt at poetry...sooo...here it is...??? Please excuse my untrained attempt!
Viper, filled with venom, you filled my soul with searing pain
You slithered alongside me, coiled and struck with your forked tongue once again.
Poison coursed through my veins, distorting my mind, my soul
The acrid bitterness, unfamiliar hatred, I felt helpless to control.

Venom now resides, where friendship once held domain
My tears fall anew, scarring me as if twas acid rain.
Beware, treacherous one, whose bright colors do naught but belie the truth
Youre not the person I thought you were in my young, nave youth

Oh, how you mask yourself in civility, cloaked in jovial camaraderie
A master of deception, a guise that cleverly hides your treachery
The trust is gone, the loyaltyno longer do I try to understand
I smile and laugh as ice courses through my veins, my face a sleight of hand.

Beware! Hurt me no more. Youve done enough. Im wary of your spiteful ways
For now Ive shielded myself with stabbing barbs and someday it could be you who pays
Pray I forgive the things youve said and done, the cause of many tears
Tread with caution, careless one. You could be the one who has to face his darkest fears.
Lest you forget, I know too much.

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