
Week In the Life: Tuesday

Week In the Life: Tuesday

I decided to review my ordinary moments in my "Week in the Life" and measure them in "feet".

Journaling Reads: Alex, every Tuesday and Thursday we go to pick
up Sophia at childcare. You know that your three
youngest cousins will be there, so you are always
eager to go along for the ride. We arent in the door more than 30 seconds before you have your shoes off and you are on the floor getting the little ones to laugh! I love that about you, my dear Scooter.

Tuesday credits:
- "Tuesday" wordart bush by Ali Edwards "days and months" at designerdigitals.com
- all other paper and wordart from Designs by Sue Cummings "52 Inspirations: Week 16"
- fonts: Lima Bean, Century Gothic, Pea Bethany's Doodles (heart)
I am just loving the feet photos!! This is fabulous!! You have really come up with a creative way to do your week!!
That is adorable!!! Love that photo...totally captures the moment! The smile says everything :)
I am really excited about this 'feet' week - now waiting for Fridays!! (see told you I've been looking at them out of order)
Now I will go back and look thru properly
tho doubt that I could enjoy them anymore than I have :)

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