

March Camera Corner - sign of the times

  • Media owner helenh
  • Date added
Here is my LO to go with my photo for this month's camera corner challenge on the number "4"! The four on my DS phone keypad - and the journaling tells the story that goes with it!

Journaling that goes with it: " .... Your first mobile phone. With me teaching the odd day and picking you and your sister up as you walk home after school, its the kind of reassurance we all need should an emergency arise. But how happy are you! You can only call me or your Dad - in fact texting is the go. But you are all set up and mastered all the functions so quickly. After about your fourth text to my phone from the other side of the room, I verbally told you that I think that is enough. Now your sister wants one! LOL! And she wants a pink one of course! ....."

Credits: ** all Kitty Designs (Oscraps)
kit - the.boys
grass doodle - gracious
Glorious page Helen ... Kitty's kit is just perfect for this subject matter. The blending of your background photo is so cool and I love the street sign ... very hip!!!
Oh Helen just love this!! What a wonderful photo and a moment to capture!!! Love the blended photo in the b/g!!

BTW....I think a pink phone would be just perfect for your princess!!! :)
First, what a great photo! Second, I LOVE what you did using the photo for the background and then making sort of a page within a page with it in the custer. SO cool!

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