


  • Media owner helenh
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This collaborative kit, named AYITI (for the Creole name of Haiti), was created to help the people of Haiti. Our very own Sandrine, (aka Timounette) whose children were born in Haiti, asked several designers to create this fabulous kit. 26 designers answered her call and this amazing kit was born! The money raised from this kit will go directly to groups working in Haiti. For example: Angel House orphanage where Timounette's children lived, which houses more than 70 children awaiting adoption in Port au Prince. Their building was completely destroyed, and the children are living in a tent city. Timounette has promised to keep you up-to-date on the funds that have been gathered, and the way in which these funds are being used, through her blog (timounette.canalblog.com).

kit - AYITI - charity collab kit for Haiti - available at twolittlepixels, Digiscrapmania, digitalcrea, and zigzagscrap
Amazing! Creative, artistic absolutely LOVE IT

And into the Standing O's it goes!
Beautiful Helen!!! I love how you used this kit here!! The photo crops are fabulous!
Love your photo collage! 1, 2, 3, 4, put your bottom on the floor
Oh Yes...the first day photos!!! Beautiful!! A day you will have in the front of your memories as long as you live!!!
OH your photography never ceases to amaze me! I love the lighting on the center photo. Absolutely fabulous!

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