

The love story of us...

  • Media owner shauilee
  • Date added
Ok.. so this is really looong! but Im glad i did it because this has been on my "layouts to do" list. i wanted to use the picture where Fei was being placed on my stomach and being cleaned but i think i should include dh also in the pix. hehe! so this is basically our first family pix! I look terrible! haha!
The story is about the day I gave birth to Fei. here goes...

The love story of us: You, Daddy and me... 5 yrs ago me and your dad fell in love. 2 yrs after that, we got married. 8 months after that we decided to have you and so the story begins after 9 months May 17, 2005, 6 am and its time to wake up and go to work. Im about to take a bath when I felt a sudden gush, I checked maybe I peed on my panties because you keep on pushing my gall bladder :) And then there it is blood discharge I really didnt panic but Im just surprise that its still 2 weeks early from my delivery date. I called your dad calmly because he is the panic guy when it comes to things like this. But, still he came running to me like he sensed it. He quickly asked Are you in labor? I replied No, but I think we need to go to the hospital. So we went to the doctor and had a check-up. And the news - I wasnt in labor, no contractions at all and not even dilated, but, Im big. YOU are big. If you would stay for another 2 weeks inside me maybe youll get even bigger. So the doctor scheduled for a forced labor (I forgot the term here- im sure it wasnt force labor but its a procedure where they would make me go on labor) on May 19, 2005. So I said sure-that would be great. At least I can prepare everything. After the check-up we went home and the your Dad went to work. Since I know that Saturday is the day, I decided that I should do the laundry and some other household chores because Im sure Ill be very busy when you come and would not have any time to do this. Around lunch time-like 1 pm, my back was beginning to hurt a bit. I thought maybe because I was standing so long and walking all the time. I would sit down for a while and it would go away. I didnt think that I was already having labor pains since I never really experienced labor pains before. Maybe because when I watch movies labor pains are really painful. They would scream and its like they are going to pass out. Mine was very tolerable. I thought if this is labor-its going to be a piece of cake. 8 hours after that- WHERE IS MY EPIDURAL!!!! Ok, I really didnt scream-Im just over reacting to make it more dramatic :) hehe! but damn! I was really in pain. My knees were shaking, I dont know what sitting or lying position I should do to ease the pain. Your Dad, is always asking me if Im okay and if I want something and I just keep on saying-anaesthesia, anaesthesia The doctor said that probably I will be ready to go on labor by 9am since I was only 1 cm dilated (Its May 18 and 1 am already). And I was.. what???? 8 more hours of this??? Oh hello no. I really didnt cry but I was beginning to be very impatient. The anaesthesia only worked until 3am. Im calling the nurse like every 10 minutes and complaining that the epidural is not working. I was complaing to your Dad too about the AC because it was too cold. But your Dad was so tensed that he was sweating all the time. I was asking for more anaesthesia but they are afraid that if they give me more then I would not be able to push. 4 am I told the nurse Im ready, I want to have the baby NOW, but the doctor is busy on another patient (my real doctor didnt come on my labor-it was the doctor attending that night that gave birth to you) so ok I will waitand then maybe around quarter to 6 the doctor came.. AT LAST!!! Im a newbie so I really dont know how to push and Im a quiet patient. The doctor asked me to scream when pushing so there would be more force. So I screamed- but there was no force only on my voice.. After some minutes after the first big push, I got the hang of it. Your Daddy, backing me up, was telling me Im doing great. But I was tired, very, very tired. Then the nurse said your heartbeat was failing. I was causing you so much stress. That triggered me to push very hard. At 6:10 am of May 18, 2005 you were born. When I felt that you were being pulled out from me- I was Where is the camera? Where is the camera? It was funny, I was drugged, tired and sleepy and was still looking for the camera. So they laid you into my stomach and I counted your fingers and toes. Complete. You were slimy and pinkish which was cute and a bit gross.. but you were beautiful and perfect!!! The most precious little thing here on earth.

I used:
TaylorMade Designs - For the Record Layered Template - from oscraps.com
TaylorMade Designs - Plain Jane kit Paper and Photo Frame - from oscraps.com
TaylorMade Designs - Summer Solace Kit Heart Brush - from oscraps.com
Wow- wonderful journaling and so many tiny details preserved. It is a difficult and yet glorious time.
Oh my goodness! Your journaling was so perfect...made me feel like I was there. And I love the way the layout is so simple! Great job!
again.... totally agree with linda here... i felt like i was there. totally captured by your story! perfectly done, girl!! PERFECTLY done!
This is just beautiful! Wonderful journaling - I love the background. And the picture is perfect!

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