
My Inside 7

My Inside 7

This was made for Nini's spotlight with Nina's Rocking Girls. So along with the random facts is a random photo of me from my senior year at school. (ahhh almost 2 years ago!) It is an infrared photo & I'm wearing a wig...5 of us just got together to play around with the camera & be silly.

Nini's freebie mask
Freebie Wordart for challenge by NinaScraps
"Sisters" glitter by NinaScraps @ Oscraps
"Read & Relax" papers by NinaScraps @ Oscraps
Wearing the mask and the soft colors make this awesome page mysterious and captivating.
fabulous work Elisa ... the photo seems to go perfect with the "mystery" of who you are KWIM? Thanks for playing along
Love the enigmatic you in the picture..... goes perfect with your random reflections!

Thanks for playing!!
Amazing page, Elisa! I completely love the mysterious feel of this layout too! Though i know it's you, I still want to see who the woman behind the mask is. hehehe. Love it!!

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