

Count the Waves

Title: "If you want to know how much I love you count the waves."

In waves & sand: "My love for you goes on forever and ever and ever and ever and ever."

"We spent a week at the coast for mama and daddy's 7th anniversary. You didn't want to walk on the beach much and instead I carried you. This particular day, as we were leaving, you asked to nurse, then fell asleep and I carried you all the way back still nursing in my arms."


all papers and stitching (summer's fading kit), funky flowers (take three), vintage frames, jewel, button fasteners and vintage pop lightroom preset by paint the moon, oscraps.com

distressed frame, curled edge and tag by holliewood studios, oscraps.com

vintage frames, worn label alpha and ribbon by christina renee

grungy frame by nancy comelab
wonky circle shape by lauren reid
thingz on stringz by natalie braxton
gralpha alpha by birgit tyting
organic alpha by anita stergiou designs
hand stamped alpha by katie pertiet
doodling days alpha by gina marie-huff
pea carrie, diesel and dirty ego fonts
This is awesome!! I love how you did the picture on the background paper!! Love it!! Love the photos!! Wonderful page!

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