


cherry blossom by melanie ann designs
journaling: Little one princess such an insanity you are there, it was a pure luck totally as me you thus before me saw, quite near. Little one princess, has pleased me thus about you, feels you probably on this star and leaves you completely on me, on me. Your first small steps your curiosity on the world, you are able to certainly his my hand you holds. Believe me small princess it is nicely gives you! This waits for you live and you know you are loved. It are infinitely importantly a small centre of the world, have mine totally live on the head put. Little one princess is inexpressibly proud of you, indescribably the feeling, your eyes search me, only me. Little one princess this world is not only nice, but you should go always only on the solar side with me. You, I of helf' to you by the tears it brings the life with herself, no fear my child, I carry by the wind. Come along strongly for your dreams, has the courage to the honesty. The friends good to you finds, I wish this you good trip small lady makes hay already say I later sometime, this resignation does not become light, I give you so much love which she passes for your whole long life!
Ahh...love that red envelope with the pics inside. And the bow with the jewel dangling. Very nice!

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