

Scarlet Fever

  • Media owner petey111
  • Date added
My memory isnt a happy one, although Im smiling in this picture. I tried to find a fitting picture, but apparently we dont take pictures of the kitchen unless it involves birthday cake. So this was the closest thing. Im not sure how old I was. I do know that I dad was out of town. I remember that I was standing at the end of the hall peeking into the kitchen. I was crying. I was upset and tired. I was going to get in trouble for not being in bed. I remember seeing my mom at the kitchen table on the phone. Perhaps with my dad. In my memory, shes crying and exhausted. On top of taking care of three kids on her own while dad was out of town, there I was...crying, hurting, and just wanting to be well again. I dont know how much of this is accurate, but I do know I was standing at the end of the hallway crying and looking into our kitchen. And that I had scarlet fever.

TaylorMade Touch of Gray Paper, TaylorMade Scattered Layered Template vol. 8
Oh my goodness Sara, I just want to cry for that little girl with scarlet fever. What beautiful journaling. And yes, even sad memories are valid. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Loved how you recorded this memory along with all the happy ones. Great page!
Such a beautiful page, love the way the frame drops off at the bottom and comes baack at the top...
Great, great journaling!!! I love the whole LO and most of all that you write about the OH- NOT SO GOOD memories!!!
Sara, this is fantastic! Great memory, even if its not 'peachy' it is very realistic. Thanks for playing along!
wow wow wow wow wow wow!!! love this, darling!!! and wow, again!!! love you, darling!!

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