

No. 10 Each & Every Day - Family

  • Media owner EHStudios
  • Date added
Here is my 10th LO for the Oscraps DS Challenge with Sue. Pictured here are my grandma, my aunt Susan, my cousin Jack, & his new daughter Liana. I've always wanted to travel, and starting last summer I got to see Alaska with my grandma while we visited my aunt, and this year I've been to Montana twice with her and with other family members the second time. So slowly I'm seeing more than my own little world.

Text reads:
"I wish my life consisted of looking at views like this on a daily basis. Seeing the sights...Wandering around in nature that consists of more than just cornfields and the occasional beautiful sunset...I guess I can settle for only seeing them every once in a while.

But the real beauty, and the one I sometimes take for granted when I'm dreaming of travel, is that although the views aren't as stunning here sometimes, I'm surrounded by family each and every day and together we can look at pictures and remember the places we've been able to see together. And this last year has been amazing for that and a first for me.

Plus, since this farm is Susan's dream residence, (that I have to buy for her), maybe one day I can crash here and see this beautiful sight each and every day ... or not!"

Credits: **NEW** "Each & Every Day" Kit & add-on Freebie by Sue Cummings @ Oscraps (paper recolored)
Oh this is wonderful and such beautiful journaling!!!!

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Sue Cummings
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