

No. 2 The Demands of Everyday Life

Here's my day two. It's what I've been living with every day for about two weeks now. Ever since I had surgery I haven't been able to pick up my little boy. He's been so upset and depressed. I took this photo at the pumpkin patch. Instead of playing he was swinging and looking sad.

Journaling: Oh honey. You're breaking my heart. I'm so sorry I haven't been able to pick you up since my surgery. I promise it won't be much longer. I'm trying so hard to get well. I can't wait to hold you again baby.
oh precious ... hope you fell well again soon, just think of the AMAZING hugs when you're better. Chin up!!!
You poor things - both of you! I know how you feel. I had a threatened miscarriage last year and so I couldn't pick my DS up (unless I was sitting) for six months until she was born. It's so hard when they just want Mommy to hold them and you can't. My prayers go out to you for a speedy recovery!

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Sue Cummings
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