

No. 11 Each & Every Day - Chaos

  • Media owner EHStudios
  • Date added
So I had an idea for this next page for the Oscraps DS Challenge, but I didn't have any Oscraps stash of doodle arrows...So thus, my horrible attempt at doodling my own, lol...

Didn't turn out too bad though considering the idea is chaos in trying to wrangle 12 kids, (plus an extra kid that didn't want to leave the picture since he thought my cousins were having too much fun). In total I'm only missing 1 cousin from the shot since she wasn't there that day. Also, her half sister passed away a year ago in a car accident, so I still wanted to remember her in this page.

As you can see from the photo, Hanna is the least affected by everything else going on. Yay for practice in front of my camera!

Credits: **NEW** "Each & Every Day" Kit & add-on Freebie by Sue Cummings @ Oscraps
& my own doodles.
Fabulous page and what a great idea to have them all together for a photo shoot!!
Love the center photo and your doodles too!!!
YOu should sell your doodles! I love the effort it took to get the shot and the way you featured it in this layout!
OK so this one made me snort out loud when I read the final line of journaling! Fantastic job - just love it!

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Sue Cummings
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