


  • Media owner Cat
  • Date added
This was a really difficult layout for me to do. The journaling is very long, but, mainly expresses the anger I felt towards my father who drank throughout my entire childhood. By the grace of God he found sobriety 12yrs ago, but there are still many feelings I need to deal with.

Its been the start wonderful scrap therapy, and its a project I am still working through. Scrapping this, although difficult has been a great release.

Paper is Tracey Monette's Dotalishus No 3 available at SBE
Linda GB Flip and tear
2 Sisters Alpha and glitteroverlay
Maya doll brushes
Traci Murphy Fools Staples
Font KGD Catriona
fantastic LO, Cat!! isn't scraptherapy wonderful??? I love the emotion you've captured artistically...
Wow, Cat. This is really incredible. The visual elements of the page really convey the feeling perfectly, and it's wonderful that you could use scrapping to work through this!
You've scrapped your emotions so well - in the journalling, but also the style of the background and how you've used a photo.
wow - this is a layout FULL of emotion and i love how you let the elements and colors do as much talking as the journaling. AMAZING job...good for you - i hope scrapping continues to help you work through stuff....isn't it amazing how something like this can clear your mind and heart - even if it is just a little bit at a time? really impressive layout - and congrats to your dad for his success in his journey thus far.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who puts their emotions on a page..it's truly scrap therapy and you've shown it beautifully on this page. I love the deep rich colors which for me expresses your own feelings about what you've been through as a child. Truly touching and stunning page!
You really captured your feelings in that layout - not only in the journaling, but in the colors and how you arranged everything! I never heard about scrap therapy, but I sure hope it helps you to deal with everything.

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