
moving on...

moving on...

birthday by Jofia Devoe
a big adventure by Jofia Devoe
imagination by Jofia Devoe

Moving on, is a simple thing, what it leaves behind is hard
-Dave Mustaine

Journaling reads:
This year we decided to move back to Italy
after living in Canada for 1 1/2 years.
It was a hard decision to make but one we had to.
We gave up a big house we loved with a huge backyard for the girls...
hoping one day in Italy we would be able to have one similar...
knowing the girls futures would be better in Italy.
There Giovanni could find a better paying job,
I could stay home with the girls without having to babysit.
The girls would learn other languages,
learn more cultural things, possibly dance, sing...
For us the opporunities were endless in Italy....
in Viking the opportunities were much less.
We gave up having grandparents close by to spoil the girls
but gained several nonni in Italy.
I hope the girls understand why we made the change,
and I hope they too agree with us.
We just wanted the best for them...
even if it brings tears in exchange.

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