
Feeling Guilty

Feeling Guilty

This is a page I did on another site that has a "12 Step Emotions" challenge. Papers by Jan Crowley, Kim Giarrusso, and ALangpap from 2peas. Embellishments by Jan Crowley, Kim Giarrusso, Laura Alpuche and ALangpap from 2peas. Alphas by MKoegelenberg's Forget Me Not kit.

Journaling: Sometimes I have guilt feelings about my mother. I feel like I could have prevented her death. When she walked into the hospital that morning for her carotid artery surgery, I knew she was nervous. Ill never forget the look on her face as they wheeled her into the operating room. It was like she was saying, I wont be coming out this alive.? We were so confident that she would pull through. When I look back at that day the guilt hits me with thoughts of, I should have told here if she didnt want to go through with, she didnt have to.? But I didnt. I know now that God was sparing the family from a worse death and that was to watch her slowly suffocate because she had emphazema.
Your layout is touching. If it helps any, I watched my mil fight emphazema and go down hill for over 5 years. She lost her independence and was miserable with it. She gave up and finally died from it. Please don't harbor guilt. ((hugs))
What heart wrenching journaling. This is exactly why scrapping can be therapeutic. I hope you look at the pictures now and have happy thoughts about your mom.

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