

Nintendo Junkies

  • Media owner TessieB
  • Date added
For the DST Insider Color Play Challenge. Journal Prompt Extra: National Hanging Out Day.

Here is my DS and his friend hanging out playing their DS games. It is so funny how it is nice outside and we have a house full of Legos and sword, but they are having a ball playing their video games side by side. Not my idea of hanging out, but it suites them fine.

Journaling: What else would two young boys want to do on their day off, but play DS. Whether challenging each other or playing different games next to each other, they would be video junkies all day, if we let them.

Materials: Jodie McNally Daredevil word art and paper, Danielle Youngs Spring Breeze paper, Jellybean paper and Half Pipe star and chain, Holliewoods H2Oh paper and One Cool Dude arrow, ribbon, & grid, Oscraps O Bro paint splatter, paper scrap, clipping mask, and Lavender Lime chocolate alphabet. Nintendo logo from google clip art.

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