ArtPlay Felicitations Collection-on sale now
process: I used ap2 for the foundation.Two images were used next,focal image was clipped to fb1_2 and the sun image was revealed with inverted mask. I placed the UT and rose next,added Transfer 5 and wordART. Everything was found in the collection. I finished with some personal thoughts.
She began her 79th trip around the sun much like previous
trips,happy,optomistic and mostly assured.She had reached
a life point,more comfortable with herself,looking forward
and thinking about a few goals that she was working on.
She often reflected,thinking about previous trips and
seeking to make each one a little better.When she,thought
of the past,she remembered many fulfilling events,happiness,some
failures,some poor decisions,some really good . She could recall
sorrow of loss,happiness with accomplishments.At certain times,
she questioned her life but overall felt that it was how she would have
envisioned. She had a happy childhood,school years were filled with
mostly happy memories and cherished life time friends.Post school days
she changed course and re entered school to change occupations.That
was a good decision and she smiled.She cherished her family and
watched it grow and was proud of her family and their accomplishments
She was rewarded with much love and reminded herself to be thankful.
As the years progressed, she had lots of hobbies and enjoyed the oppor-
tunity to devote time to each as she chose. When she was widowed she
defined it as becoming an individual again,and it was a major change.
She eventually settled into the changes and adapted as best she
could.That was not to say that she was not lonely at times and
was sad that things had changed. Each day was a new chance
to move forward and she felt that she was having success with
her new role in life.Much to be thankful for,lots of growth
and the love of her family. Would she,change some things
in her life,if possible? That is a difficult question.It all
could have been different of course but that is sort of
life. As she rounds once again,there are no promises,
no guarantees,but, she will embrace life and try to
give back as much as she can.She can be pleased
with herself and her life and continue the trips
for as long as possible.March 27,2025