Fell down a rabbit hole of playing and turning layers on and off. Inspiration began with a template from the NEW Scenic Layered Template Album No13.
My process: Clipped an Artsy Paper to template mask. Clipped my plant photo to template frame mask. Didn't like so deleted the frames and extracted the plant from the photo. Had fun creating a shadow for the plant. Clipped a floral paper to the Artsy paper & template mask and applied a color burn blending mode. This added some colour to the white/grey textures. Added a transfer to bring back some white texture. Recoloured template textures/stains. Placed a MultiMedia cluster & added coffee bean elements and labels. Placed a white stroke on wordart 'Coffee' & added wooden time for title. Created an extraction of the plant label from my photo and placed with plant extraction. Added journaling, splatters and finished by adding a background paper that reminded me of a cardboard take away coffee cup sleeve.