

Spring in the City

  • Media owner KimPay
  • Date added
Creating the feeling of spring by using a gloomy day photo and adding my own colour.

Process: Created a background placing a Scenic template on the page and clipping an Artsy Paper to the template mask. Placed a Fotoblendz and clipped my photo allowing the colours of the Artsy Paper to glow through. Deleted template frames and added a postage frame. Duplicated my photo and clipped it to frame mask. Recoloured many layers with blending modes, fill layer and hue/sat adjustment layers. Lots of playing and experimenting with different tools - can't remember everything I tried or kept. Added Multimedia cluster and elements. Adjusted wordart and acrylic 'spring' word adjusted with Screen blending mode.
Credits list
Scenic Layered Template Album No13
ArtPlay Jubilate Collection
ArtPlay Palette Jubilate​
Celebrate WordART Mix No. 3​
MultiMedia Flowers No. 10​
Jubilate Fotoblendz No 1​
ArtPlay Palette Daffodil - acrylic word
Postage Frames No1
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
Photo is my own.
  • Love
Reactions: bcazzell
Oh my! Our creative hearts had the same idea and you finished yours first. ;) I love the idea of clipping papers to the scenic masks. This is just beautiful! Big congratulations on the GSO! Gorgeous!
Oh my! Our creative hearts had the same idea and you finished yours first. ;) I love the idea of clipping papers to the scenic masks. This is just beautiful! Big congratulations on the GSO! Gorgeous!
Thanks! I look forward to seeing your pages with papers clipped to the scenic masks. I tried different papers with different masks and it's interesting to see the changes in the look of the paper.
Thanks! I look forward to seeing your pages with papers clipped to the scenic masks. I tried different papers with different masks and it's interesting to see the changes in the look of the paper.
I find the mask adds some softness to the brighter and larger designs which I really liked.

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Anna Aspnes
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135 KB
800px x 800px

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