This is page eleven of my Savvy BookProject. It is about how I How I learned new techniques and aboutcomposition.
I pick a template – FotoninspiredPack 3B.8.
A paper is added above the backgroundlayer – App Artsy– Solid Paper 5.
I add the pictures to the mask layersof the frames or to the fotomasks always using Layer>CreateClipping masks. I add color to masks I am not using to hold picturesusing Edit>Fill.
Elements- I added the Metal star fromManly WordArt Mix.
Page Number- Using Wood AlphabetNumbers 8 and adding the style supplied by Anna.
Title – used Anna's Wordart suppliesfor prompts show with a little adjustment.
Journal- Ihave made it several times and these are some of my TT photos. If Iwere to make my own list of photos I thought were among my best, someof these would be there but there are others I like better. But stillI feel a sense of joy and pride when I make the list. But I still tryto improve my photography.