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March AJ Challenge Week 2 {Perspective}
Journaling reads:
Growing up in the southern US, I had only visited relatives who lived just over the state line. When I was in my mid-twenties, I married my awesome husband who was from the Northern part of the US. We decided it would be best to settle down in between our families.
In one day, I moved from wandering through low-lying wetlands, scenic beaches with gorgeous ocean views, to experiencing life among towering mountains and stunning waterfalls. I traded flip-flops for hiking boots. I had only experienced the colors of fall in books and magazines. Now, here I was, strolling through a world of brilliantly colored leaves and trees, struggling to absorb the beauty around me. This move transformed my life completely, giving me a new perspective of the world and on life itself.
Quote used: In order to understand ourselves, others, and the world around us, we need to be able to change and adapt our perspectives. - Albert Einstein