


week 3 of the March Art Journaling Challenges has been posted. Our word prompt for March is PERSPECTIVE. I created a different imspiration layout this week. I was inspired by one of the quotes I found and used one of my own photos on the left side) of some buildings I photographed.
Credits list
Credits: One Way City by Magical Reality: One Way City Scrapbook by MagicalReality Designs | Oscraps
New Journey by CarolW Designs: https://www.oscraps.com/shop/New-Journey-March-Page-Kit.html
A Tribute to Dreams (edges) by mixed media by Erin: https://www.oscraps.com/shop/A-Tribute-to-Dreams-Edges-by-Mixed-Media-by-Erin.html
Fonts: Blockt Regular and Sangharia Regular
Designer(s) Used:
  1. CarolW Designs
  2. MagicalReality Designs>>
  3. mixed media by Erin >>
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
I took the photo of the building on the left side.
Awesome page, Cheryl. I love the images, wordart, and that quote. ♥
Thank you so much, Betty Jo. When we started this month's challenges, I went to Pixabay to see pictures of "perspective". After looking at a few (dozen) I thought "I have similar pictures to these in my own files". Sure enough - I had LOTS of pictures that represented Perspective. I'm so happy you like what came together for me.
WOW Cheryl, the building photo. I love how you created so much perspective with the two sets of buildings. One up one slanted. People walking by and only seeing their side. The quote is perfection for this layout. Its stunning.

Layout information

Art Journal
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Additional categories
Member Galleries, Oscraps Cheery O's, MagicalReality Designs, mixed media by Erin, CarolW,

Image metadata

PERSPECTIVE aj week 3.jpg
File size
104.7 KB
700px x 700px

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