Ripped my heart out a bit with this one. Doesn't matter it was 18 years ago. The due date just went by and so it feels a bit fresh. I used Love and Loss by Viva Artist's and
Clearly Alpha. I love how I can add detail with clearly alpha and yet not take away from the over all.
Journaling bits read:
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
The worst thing I ever had to do was say goodbye to you. We had such dreams, such hopes, but you weren’t meant to be carried by me or held in my arms.
Never again will I look at a white rose and think oh its pretty.
Never again will I see miscarriage as easy and “get over it”.
Never again will I tell a mom, its okay they’re better off in heaven.
Never again will I be superficial.
Never again will I lack compassion.
I will hug you while you cry.
I will love you through the hard.
God will hold you if you allow Him to hold your heart.