Betty Jo Saturday at 5:59 AM I love the timbered houses, Sylvia, and I love your page. Beautiful use of white space, paint splatters, and word art. ♥
I love the timbered houses, Sylvia, and I love your page. Beautiful use of white space, paint splatters, and word art. ♥
*sylvia* Saturday at 6:03 AM Betty Jo said: I love the timbered houses, Sylvia, and I love your page. Beautiful use of white space, paint splatters, and word art. ♥ Click to expand... thank you so much @Betty Jo
Betty Jo said: I love the timbered houses, Sylvia, and I love your page. Beautiful use of white space, paint splatters, and word art. ♥ Click to expand... thank you so much @Betty Jo
anke55 Saturday at 7:29 AM Gorgeous!! Your brushwork is just perfect!! Ich vermisse diese schoenen Haeuser!!
*sylvia* Saturday at 7:38 AM anke55 said: Gorgeous!! Your brushwork is just perfect!! Ich vermisse diese schoenen Haeuser!! Click to expand... @anke55 danke schön ... ja die sind schon toll und auch schon so alt ...
anke55 said: Gorgeous!! Your brushwork is just perfect!! Ich vermisse diese schoenen Haeuser!! Click to expand... @anke55 danke schön ... ja die sind schon toll und auch schon so alt ...
GraceJ Saturday at 11:28 AM What a lovely page, I really like your title work and the whole layering.
*sylvia* Saturday at 11:58 AM GraceJ said: What a lovely page, I really like your title work and the whole layering. Click to expand... thank you so much @GraceJ
GraceJ said: What a lovely page, I really like your title work and the whole layering. Click to expand... thank you so much @GraceJ
BoatLady Saturday at 7:06 PM Beautiful page. Awesome pictures. I look forward to going back to Germany for Oktoberfest and touring the area for photo shoots.
Beautiful page. Awesome pictures. I look forward to going back to Germany for Oktoberfest and touring the area for photo shoots.
Veronika Saturday at 9:49 PM an absolutely charming layout♥ beautiful photos and I like that the title looks like a stamp