

Too Early to Garden

  • Media owner KimPay
  • Date added
Couldn't help venturing out in the garden today to see how things are doing. This is a rare thing to be able to do In February. I'm enjoying winter's reprieve.

My process: Clipped my photo to a brush mask. Placed frame on top. Embellished with a shovel, loopdaloop, frayed strip and raffia bow. Added solid paper for background. Added multiple transfers to left edge. Placed a fotoblendz beneath the photo cluster and recoloured the layers. Recolured a brush wordart and placed to the left. Finished with red splatters and journaling.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
Photo is my own.
Nice placement of the WA on the side. Watching the earth awaken, and waiting for the first new shoots of green is exciting. Love the shovel placed along the frame with the loopdaloop. Congratulations on the Standing O!
Nice placement of the WA on the side. Watching the earth awaken, and waiting for the first new shoots of green is exciting. Love the shovel placed along the frame with the loopdaloop. Congratulations on the Standing O!
Thank you! I love the LoopDaLoops. They add a little something and are not as bold as a bow.

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Anna Aspnes
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149.5 KB
800px x 800px

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