

This Noted

  • Media owner NAdams
  • Date added
We were greeted by an enthusiatic group of students. The tour included rousing cheers and key campus high points - library, dining halls, and dorms. Athens definitely has that college town vibe.

Registration involved a lot of walking and appointmments with counselors. He was excited and ready to face the challenges of college - new lessons and new room mates- independence.
Credits list
APP Doniferous
Doniferous Artsy Layered Template
Around Town Notions No. 1
Looped Urban Threadz No. 1
New Years WordArt Mix No. 1
Urban Threadz No.29

Open the Doniferous Artsy Layered Template. Doniferous Solid Paper was placed in the background. The photos were clipped to the frames. The Around Town Notions were layered as accents. Note the placement of the red accents form a triangle. The threads were a small touch to add depth and visual interest. I used the text boxes as designed in the template to keep it simple.

Thank you for looking!
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
My Personal Photos
LOL at first I thought you were in Greece. Love the photos - such an exciting time yet hard to let them go (at least it was for me) Go Gawgs!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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Image metadata

anna-aspnes-digital-scrapbook-artplay-palette-doniferous-nadams-this noted.jpg
File size
225 KB
Date taken
Tue, 25 February 2025 10:59 PM
800px x 800px

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