ArtPlay Friends Collection-retiring sale
New Years WordART Mix No 1-on sale
process: I used ap5 from apfriendscollection for my base. I chose it because it had a lot of pre-designed spaces for the image that I selected.I used 2 different strokes 8 brushes to make a mask for my image.I duplicated the image and using an inverted mask and decreased opacity,I placed the duplicate at the top of the page.So,I just needed to add more interest with elements from the app,the bird,branch,frame,button to the focal image. I added another brush from ds8 to the top image,color fill added, and transfersx3 beneath the main image,erasing slightly.I finished with the white stitching on top of the ap and the wordART was placed on the right side with a drop shadow applied. It looked good to me,so I was finished. tfl